Sat. Sept. 28, 2024: Colonial Faire and Fife & Drum Muster

The Sudbury Ancient Fyfe and Drum Muster will be held Saturday, September 28, 2024. Join us on the grounds of the historic Longfellow’s Wayside Inn for a full day of music, muskets, history, and fun. 

The Faire opens at 10:00 with a Colonial encampment, militia and crafts demonstrations, and contradancing. We expect dozens of colonial and craft vendors and 25 fife and drum corps from across New England and New York. Food is available on the field.

The Grand Parade of fifes and drums will begin promptly at noon and will be followed directly by a performance by each of the corps attending. The muster is a celebration rather than a competition: The corps are appearing by invitation, and attend to share their music and friendship. Come enjoy the music and remember our Colonial heritage.

PARADE ROUTE – Beginning in 2022, the Selectmen have asked that we not use the public road. The parade will instead assemble behind the Grist Mill and proceed along the gravel way and through the Faire grounds to arrive at the muster field. The route is shown on this map.

Admission is $3 cash for the general public at the gate (no charge for participants in kit). There is plenty of free parking available.

Thanks to all who made the 2023 muster so much fun! We look forward to seeing you again the last Saturday in September, 2024

Muster Field Lancraft 640